.. _luttes_iran_2022_10_05: ===================== 2022-10-05 ===================== .. _soutien_angela_davis: 2022-10-05 Angela Davis apporte son soutien aux manifestants en Iran ======================================================================== - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUUYw8Z39UU .. _dilar_dirik_2022_10_05: 2022-10-05 Did you know that the movement that created #WomanLifeFreedom is heavily criminalized in Europe ? by Dilar Dirik☀️ ================================================================================================================================== - https://twitter.com/Dlrdrk1/status/1577621131804172290?s=20&t=ijfcm3snux26oESmOB-gZA - https://100-reasons.org/ Did you know that the movement that created #WomanLifeFreedom is heavily criminalized in Europe? European states work hand-in-hand w/assassins of Middle Eastern women. To move beyond symbolic solidarity gestures ask:how's my government responsible for war&violence on women abroad? The Kurdish Women’s Movement is a mass movement, based on a four decades-old revolutionary legacy. Its symbols, slogans, and struggles have been emptied of their meaning by others for years now. Meanwhile, its members are assassinated, killed by drones, and imprisoned. Why? People love to see women resist and struggle against authoritarianism. But they want this to remain within the boundaries set by the liberal, capitalist, western-centric nation-state order. They don't want to hear women's radical ideologies, projects, politics. Only images. Read up on the Kurdish women's movement's analyses of state violence, political feminicide, sexualized violence in war, and the collective resistance against it. So much of it points to western complicity. Solidarity is `common struggle `_, not symbolism👇🏽 For example: For 9 years, Kurdish women have been shouting #WomanLifeFreedom in front of French embassies and in the streets of Paris. Why is the French state still silent about the murder of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan, and Leyla Şaylemez in Paris? Why do European states deport and spy on women who organize mass protests, festivals, and community events under the slogan #WomanLifeFreedom in European metropoles? Why do they close publishing houses? Why do they raid community centers? Why do they ban flags and symbols? Who holds the Turkish state accountable for its illegal wars & occupations inside Syria & Iraq? Why is there no justice for the assassinations & drone strikes on leading Kurdish women like Hevrîn Khalaf? Do people care that NATO is de facto allied with al Qaeda and ISIS remnants?