.. _victimes_luttes_iran_2023_01: ===================== 2023-01 ===================== - https://nitter.manasiwibi.com/arminarefi/status/1612402445883265025#m 3 NOUVELLES PEINES DE MORT EN #Iran. Les condamnés se nomment #SalehMirhashemi, #MajidKazemi et #SaeedYaghoubi. Reconnus coupables d'«inimitié envers Dieu», ils sont accusés par la justice d'être impliqués dans la mort de trois agents pro-régime lors de manifestations à Ispahan. A ce jour au moins 4 citoyens Baloutches d’Iran sont condamnés à mort sous l’accusation de « corruption sur terre ». #ShoaibMirbaluchzehiRigi 18 ans, #KambizKharot 20 ans #EbrahimNaroui 25 ans et #MansourDahmardeh 22 ans. @haalvsh - https://nitter.manasiwibi.com/IranIntl_En/status/1614057113084461056#m - https://www.change.org/p/stop-execution-of-iranian-protesters/u/31225787?cs_tk=AogyJ1GicpL-PwZZzGMAAXicyyvNyQEABF8BvNqlfEKcULVrFafM4Cf2vT0%3D&utm_campaign=a58ed4d05c8140a4bc6085e23afa6005&utm_content=initial_v0_6_0 Majid Kazemi, an Iranian protester sentenced to death, has been transferred to solitary confinement, and his Saturday visit with his family has been cancelled, @1500tasvir reports, in apparent signs that his execution might be imminent though his sentence has yet to be upheld. Majid Kazemi was sentenced to execution in the case of "Khane-ye-Esfahan" and was accused of killing a Basiji with the help of two others (Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaghobi). He was convicted on the basis of the film of his confession without the presence of a Lawyer. Majid told his family he had been tortured and coerced into a confession. Today Majid has been transferred to solitary confinement and it means the risk of his execution is high. Be the voice of Majid and other political prisoners and not allow this inhumanity will be continued. Sign the petition and spread it so that others will hear the voice of the Iranian people that they live in danger. Iranian activist @NazaninBoniadi: "Majid Kazemi, Saeed Yaghoubi and Saleh Mirhashmi have been sentenced to death based on trumped up charges. Majid Kazemi has been transferred to solitary confinement. We don’t know about the condition of Saeed and Saleh." - https://nitter.poast.org/IranHrm/status/1614294572062081024#m - https://iran-hrm.com/2023/01/14/two-death-sentences-for-18-year-old-protester/ Two death sentences for 18-year-old protester @JavaidRehman #MehdiMohammadiFard’s mother said, "My son has done nothing wrong, and his only crime was to protest." #IRGCterrorists #StopExecutionsInIran .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 07/07