2022-10-21 G7 Leaders: Expel Iran’s Diplomats / Demand that Political Prisoners Be Freed

To the Honourable Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada and the United States, the G7 Group of Nations:

We, the founding members of Iranians for Justice and Human Rights, along with other co-signatories, hereby express our deepest concern about the developments in Iran over the past five weeks.

The brutal crackdown and violence by various forces of the Islamic regime in Iran in reaction to protests sparked by the Islamic regime’s killing of Mahsa Amini has resulted in countless deaths, injuries, and incarcerations.

It is evident that the Islamic regime in Iran intends to continue and escalate the inhumane violence against its own citizens.

On October 15, troubling reports and video evidence emerged of shootings and a fire in Evin Prison, the notorious location in which many prisoners are incarcerated.

We are concerned that the lives of many prisoners of conscience (including but not limited to political prisoners, civic activists, artists, representatives of ethnic and religious groups, and labour unionists) and dual citizens held in that prison and other prisons across Iran are in grave danger.

We hereby demand that you: (1) forcefully and unequivocally demand the release of all prisoners of conscience in Iran;

(2) immediately designate the ambassadors or other representatives of the Islamic regime in your countries, serving either within embassies or international institutions, personae non gratae and order their removal from your countries in protest to the illegal and inhumane treatment of protesters in Iran.