Semaine 16 du lundi 17 avril 2023 au dimanche 23 avril 2023

2023-04-23 🇮🇷 Les travailleurs des industries pétrolière, pétrochimique et sidérurgique sont en grève en #Iran

Les travailleurs des industries pétrolière, pétrochimique et sidérurgique sont en grève en #Iran.

Soyons solidaires et amplifions leur voix ! #Iran #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution #IranNationwideStrikes #woman_life_freedom #FemmeVieLiberte @mamadporii @SaebKarimii @MdpMouvement

2023-04-22 🇨🇦 Hamed @Esmaeilion se retire de l’alliance des principaux opposants iraniens en dénonçant les « méthodes antidémocratiques» de groupes tentant « d’imposer leurs vues »

COUP DE THÉÂTRE. Hamed @Esmaeilion, l’une des personnalités les + sensées et désintéressées de l’opposition iranienne à l’étranger, se retire de l’alliance des principaux opposants iraniens en dénonçant les « méthodes antidémocratiques» de groupes tentant « d’imposer leurs vues »

2023-04-22 ♀️✊ ⚖️ 📣 Femme, Vie, Liberté 29e rassemblement samedi 22 avril 2023 à Grenoble place Félix Poulat à 14h30 Arrêt des exécutions, annulation des condamnations à mort libération des prisonniers politiques, expulsion de l’ambassadeur d’iran, contre les attaques chimiques dans les écoles 📣

2023-04-20 🇺🇳 UNICEF Must Conduct an Independent Investigation on Poisoning School Girls in Iran

2023-04-19 🇺🇸 QUEL MAUVAIS timing de la part de Reza Pahlavi

QUEL MAUVAIS timing de la part de Reza Pahlavi, fils du dernier Shah d’#Iran qui, en visite en #Israel pour récolter des soutiens, s’est entretenu avec le Premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahou à l’heure où celui-ci est en train de détruire l’État de droit dans son pays !

Le déplacement ressemble de plus en plus à un fiasco au niveau communication, divisant l’opposition dont Pahlavi voulait être l’avocat et suscitant de nombreuses critiques sur les réseaux sociaux de la diaspora.

2023-04-19 🇮🇷 ☣️ La guerre du régime islamique contre les femmes continue en Iran

La guerre du régime islamique contre les femmes continue en Iran.

Tandis que le porte-parole de la police annonce la fermeture de 137 commerces et 18 restaurants pour avoir accueilli les femmes non voilées, le ministère de l’intérieur déclare à propos des empoisonnements des écolières qu’il s’agit des « malaises simulés » par les élèves.

Les attaques au gaz contre les écoles des filles continuent en Iran comme ici dans un lycée au quartier Teheranpars à Téhéran. Le régime islamique s’enfonce dans le déni et parle désormais de «malaises simulés » et « bêtises des élèves » pour qualifier les empoisonnements.

La désobéissance civile des femmes pour leur droits continue en Iran et cela malgré la criminalisation accrue des femmes non voilées et les risques encourus.

Elles gardent La flamme de la révolution Femme, Vie, Liberté, allumée grace à leur force et leur détermination.

2023-04-19 🇬🇧 Fears for British-Iranian hunger striker as protest reaches day 56

A dozen former cabinet ministers have signed a letter to Rishi Sunak in support of British-Iranian Vahid Beheshti who has completed 56 days of a hunger strike outside the Foreign Office in an attempt to persuade the government to proscribe the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

The letter, which has been signed by 125 MPs and peers from each of the main parties, was handed in by Beheshti, his wife Mattie Heaven and Conservative peer Lord Polak after Beheshti, who now uses a wheelchair, was joined by some of the parliamentarians on Wednesday.

Although there had been reports that the IRGG was to be proscribed, it is understood that the Foreign Office opposes the move.

“I am getting physically weaker, and I’ve lost 15 per cent of my body weight,” Beheshti told the JC during the parliamentarians’ visit. “But internally I’m getting stronger, and I am certain that proscribing the IRGC will protect our freedom here.”

“Appeasing the hostage-taking Iranian regime hasn’t worked for the past 44 years, and it won’t work now. Our government needs to learn that the only language Iran understands is pressure.”

The letter to the Prime Minister says the IRGC has been “systematically destabilising the Middle East since the Islamic Revolution, killing thousands, and expanding the Iranian regime’s malign hegemonic ambitions.

This threat is no longer thousands of miles away because the IRGC is now openly operating on our own shores.

“The Government’s decision to proscribe the Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups were important steps in combatting the threat of extremism and terrorism, but the UK can ill afford to stop there…

Proscription of the IRGC has deep support across Parliament.

MPs unanimously endorsed a motion earlier this year calling for proscription.

Peers from all parties and none have also joined the efforts to end the IRGC’s ability to operate in the UK.”

Lord Polak told the JC: “I’m not sure where the blockage to proscription is, but I’m certain it will happen. It took a long time to proscribe Hizbollah, the IRGC’s wayward child, and now it’s time to go after the parent.”

Standing at her husband’s side, Conservative councillor Heaven said: “as a wife, I’m really concerned because I can see how far he has deteriorated physically. But the support he has getting from so many quarters including those who have signed this letter is giving him inner strength.”

Also present was Richard Ratcliffe, the husband of the British-Iranian former detainee Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who went on hunger strike in exactly the same spot to put pressure on the government to get his wife home. She was freed last year, after six years detention.

He said: “It was quite triggering when I first came here to support Vahid a few weeks ago. It reminded me what it’s like to shake your fist at what looks like a blank wall. But the longer something like this goes on, the more stubborn you feel. Governments like to pretend they’re impervious, but I hope this making a difference.”

Stephen Crabb MP, chair of Conservative Friends of Israel, and Labour Friends of Israel chair Steve McCabe also came to show support.

“I’m very pleased we’ve assembled so many signatories and it shows the depth of support that exists for this man,” said Crabb. “I am in awe of his courage. It is vital we proscribe the IRGC which will make it easier to curb its activities both in Iran and abroad.”

“I think it’s time for the government to listen,” said McCabe. “We shouldn’t have to watch while this man risk his life.

The government must act.”

2023-04-19 🌍 🇮🇷 ☣️**QUE FAIT la communauté internationale ? Une nouvelle attaque au gaz a visé ce mercredi 19 avril 2023 l’école pour filles Chamran de Hamedan**

QUE FAIT la communauté internationale ?

Une nouvelle attaque au gaz a visé ce mercredi 19 avril 2023 l’école pour filles Chamran de Hamedan, dans l’ouest de l’#Iran.

Pour rappel, les établissements scolaires ont été un bastion de la contestation en #Iran.

2023-04-18 🇮🇷 ☣️**The Islamic Republic’s attacks with chemical gas on schools in Iran**

The Islamic Republic’s attacks with chemical gas on schools in Iran, April 18, 2023:

  1. Ardabil city, Baharan school

  2. Ardabil city, Shahed school

  3. Urmia city, Hadaf school

  4. Eslamshahr city, SAIPA school

  5. Eslamshahr city, Niayesh school

  6. Ahvaz city, Kosar school

  7. Ahvaz city, Setayesh school

  8. Tehran city, Shohadaye Mecca school

  9. Tehran city, Shahed school

  10. Tehran city, Kosar school

  11. Tehran city, Saed school

  12. Tehran city, Pardis-e Sharif school

  13. Tehran city, Majmooeye Ghias school

  14. Saqqez city, Kosar school

  15. Saqqez city, Iman school

  16. Saqqez city, Turkaman 2 school

  17. Shiraz city, Imam Reza school

  18. Shiraz city, Shahed school

  19. Karaj city, Tahzib school

  20. Karaj city, Rezvan school

  21. Karaj city, Imam Jafar school

  22. Karaj city, Shayestegan school

  23. Kermanshah city, Nabovat school

  24. Kermanshah city, Al-Zahra school

  25. Kermanshah city, Esmat school

  26. Kermanshah city, Effat school

  27. Kermanshah city, Dana school

  28. Kermanshah city, Farshadfar school

  29. Tehran city, Hajieh school

  30. Tehran city, Abrar school

2023-04-18 🇮🇷 Iranian activists and dissidents condemn son of last Shah for visiting Israel

Reza Pahlavi’s Monday visit to Israel angered Iranians - whether with or against the Iranian government - who heavily condemned the Pahlavi monarchy and the Israeli government.

Other Iranian dissidents reminded Pahlavi of human rights violations when his father, Mohammad Reza and grandfather Reza Khan ruled Iran with an iron fist from 1925 to 1979.

The Norway-based Iranian journalist and human rights activist Diako Muradyaliabady denounced Pahlavi’s visit to Israel to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust.